Saturday 4 October 2014

Week One Production Log

This week in class we looked at the mark scheme and the brief that a previous year were given, this was to give us an idea of what we may be presented with and we also looked at past students work-this was so we could see what we could ideally produce. By looking at the mark scheme I learnt what elements of work are appreciated by the examining board and I also learnt what is required to reach each level. Before this week's work I was unaware that if your work was very good-but not completed you could not go further than a level 1-I found this very shocking as I thought that if the work was done incredibly well-but just not completed you could still get a high mark. I also saw this as a wake up call to tell me that to achieve a high level and mark I must complete all my filming early so I have plenty of time to edit and re-edit which I think is very important. From the mark scheme I also learnt that very small details are very important; such as the titles and credits, before this I didn't even think that this tiny detail would be so important but as each genre has differently appearing credits/titles it has come to my attention that it is very vital that they are correctly displayed.

By peer assessing previous work I have seen what I am able to achieve and I have seen some ideas which I would never have thought of, as I looked at several pieces of work I have also seen how many different story lines can be thought of from one simple brief-I like this as it shows everyone's work can be different but still relate back to a brief and it also shows how creative the tasks allow you to be. I also learnt some skills which I could use and I noticed some of their editing techniques and ideas which I really liked, in 'Suffocation' they presented their credits in a very unique way by placing them on books whilst the books stacked upwards and I found this very interesting instead of simply having credits along the bottom of the screen.
Usual titles/credits for British Social Realism

Also by peer assessing it made me realized how hard it is to actually create a piece of work to perfection and even if there were mistakes in their work I realized that most pieces of work do have mistakes and it is very hard to perfect them all as we are not professionals. However, I did see many parts of the work which were very well done and kept me hooked and interested.

By peer assessing work it will impact my production as I have felt like an examiner looking for all the right boxes to tick from the mark scheme, so when producing my own work I will do the same thing to ensure my work ticks all the boxes. Whilst filming I will look through the mark scheme and make sure I have missed nothing out and this way I can confidently say I have secured myself a high level and mark. Peer assessing also helped me build my creative thoughts and it showed me how such a wide range of ideas can be brought out of one, simple brief. This helped me as now I can think of more ideas which are unseen and try to make them happen instead of ones which are usual and can become boring and predictable. Assessing the work has also given me some ideas that I will definitely try to fit in with my work as I think these ideas were different.

During my production I will try to emulate some of their very good editing ideas, especially the credits one in 'Suffocation', I will also try to imitate how they had little dialogue and more action as we are not working with professional actors this method is much safer as if there is any dodgy acting it could take away from the aurora of the production. They also had less dialogue as it was an opening sequence and usually opening sequences do not have a lot of stuff going on in them. I will also try to emulate how creatively they were able to produce their ideas and keep their mise-en-scene very different.

In my production I will try to avoid using credits which do not link to the genre of work I am production as whilst looking at the mark scheme I have seen that the conventions and this are very important. I will also try to avoid using very bad actors and I will avoid using any long winded ideas which could lead to a confused audience, I think that a simple production with amazing editing skills applied to it will work very well.

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