Sunday 7 December 2014

Evidence of Audience Research

This week I collected some audience research with my partner Paman Uppal, we used vox pops and questionnaires as we wanted a variety of methods, some verbal and some written. The vox pop video is below.
Vox Pops

For these questionnaires we each done 10 each and tried to ask people who were in our target audience of 16-24 as this is most suitable, we also tried to give questionnaires to people whilst they were alone and not with a large group of people so their answers would not become biased. As you can see from our questionnaire-we received a mixture of positive and negative feedback which we will take into account. People liked our idea a lot as they said it was interesting and one person even recognized it from a news story and said this intrigued them even more. Most people also didn't mind that their were three main black characters as long as the sub-characters were of different races which we intend to do anyway.
Some people didn't like the idea of having people all our age so we will try our best to have some elder actors as authority figures, such as teachers/police etc.

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