Thursday 25 September 2014

Draft of 'The Encounter'

Below is the draft of the work I have been producing; 'The Encounter', I have not yet fully edited it yet and my match on action is not yet fully edited to perfection. This is just my rough edit so I can see if all the shots work together and if there is any re-filming to be done. I think my first editing session went well and I enjoyed editing my work, there were not many problems that I faced and I found that over-filming and filming extra shots which were not on my storyboard were very helpful. These extra pieces helped me to make reaction shots after one person spoke.

I am hoping for my final piece to be a lot sharper than this as I will use the precision editor instead of the usual one, this will allow me to look at two shots at one time to make sure they match perfectly-this is very important when I will be perfecting my match on action shot when Sam flicks the paper. 

My rough draft also doesn't include any music that I will be adding, I will include this when doing my final piece, my main concern was when Bailey enters the room as I was unsure about whether it would work and if we had filmed the correct footage and it was fine.

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