Monday 22 September 2014

My Storyboard

I created a storyboard before filming so that me and my partner (Paman Uppal) could plan out our idea clearly so when the filming process began it would be quick and easy. We also made it so we could plan where we wanted music and any sound affects, it also made it easier for the actors who were not in our class-so before filming they read it to get an idea of what we were aiming for.

We split the storyboard into two-Paman made the first three pages and I made the last three. We tried to include as much detail as we could. We also included what each shot type each shot would be-this was so we could visualize it all and it helped us make sure we didn't have loads of the same shot in a row which can become boring for the audience.

Planning our storyboard also helped us make sure we stuck to the time frame given in the brief-30 seconds to 1 minute-we planned how long we wanted each shot to last for and figured out our entire piece should run for about 47 seconds. It may be over this as we decided after making our storyboard that we would like to include some cutaways and extra closeups which show Bailey's (interviewee's) clothing and appearance.   

This first storyboard page includes an establishing shot and the first time we see Sam-it begins with a close up of his hands as he is wearing many rings which will intrigue the audience. The establishing shot is important to show the audience that it is set in an office environment. It helps to set the scene.

This second page includes the first time we see Bailey, the first main shot of her is a long shot which allows the audience to look at her ridiculous outfit. We used an over the shoulder shot to show Bailey knocking on the door and Sam responding to this at the same time.

 This page shows a close up of Sam rolling his eyes which is the first indication that the interview is going to go badly. It also shows Bailey barely being able to walk in her heels which has a comedic affect, these tiny elements all add to the humorous aim me and my partner had in mind.
 This page shows mainly Sam being sassy and showing Bailey that he is perfection, he has posters of himself on his wall which is very vain and funny, Bailey's geeky elements are also shown throughout these shots in her appearance and costume.
 These shots show Bailey trying to explain her outfit and Sam telling her that her outfit is trash, it also shows Sam giving her a huge pile of books to learn which has a comedic affect.
The last page shows Bailey who has fallen over because of the weight of the books, her glasses have also fallen off and she is a mess, her facial reaction is meant to make the audience laugh. As we wanted to show it all and there is a lot of body language in this shot we decided to use a long shot.

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