Thursday 18 September 2014

Week One - Edit Workshop

This week in class we began filming our work, we also had to choose any music we wanted in our final piece and make any props for filming. This week was very practical whereas last week had more planning and written work.

Whilst filming we used many techniques and different shot types such as close ups, mid-shots, establishing shots, long shots and more. We also used all three angle types; high angle, low angle and straight on
Example of an establishing shot

Some of the criteria was to include shot-reverse-shot, the 180 degree rule and match on action so whilst filming I had to make sure that we included these correctly.  We also used a dolly and tripod whilst filming and it was the first time I had ever used a dolly but it was straight forward. We used the dolly for a long shot tilt where we looked at Bailey from tip to toe, we chose this sort of shot so we could slowly show the audience what ridiculous clothing she is wearing. We also used the pan technique in the first establishing shot so we could show the location easily. 

I also made sure that I was keeping to the rule of thirds in all of my shots, if my shot was focusing on a person I made sure there eyes were on the top third line, this was kept the same in all my shots so that each person looked the same height and all looked like adults, if one person was lower they would look like a child.
Eyes are on the top line

In this week we also chose music which we were going to use, we chose the instrumental of 'Geek in the Pink-Jason Mraz' for the introduction of the character Bailey as it is a geeky, preppy tune which I think suits her character well, the music connotes a very jolly and slightly weird character is going to appear and that character is Bailey. We also chose some background noise for our establishing shot, this was just some background city traffic noise from YouTube to set the scene and let the audience know that the scene was in a city. 

We also made props this week in class, I made a name card for Sam's desk and we also made a sign for his office door, these are just basic things which make the situation look more realistic and I think they also make it easier for the audience to understand who the characters are and their names. This week I also took the responsibility of organizing props we would be needing such as:
  • Jewelry for Sam, this would connote that he is slightly feminine and also show that he is into fashion as he is a male wearing jewelry.
  • A binder for Bailey which would connote that she is coming for an interview and has brought her portfolio.
  • High heels these were useful as Bailey wore them to attempt to look fashionable but as she could not even walk in them it looked very funny and contributed to the comedy element of our work. 
Whilst filming we realized that was a problem-the match on action was very hard to complete with a two-shot, so we changed it to a mid shot, the problem was easily conquered and this was the only problem we had. There was nothing else that needed changing in our filming.

We also decided to film some cutaways that were not on the storyboard just to make it more interesting, these were mostly of Bailey as we felt there were many aspects of her which we felt needed to be highlighted as they connoted the stereotypical geeky co-worker which we could use for a comedic effect. 

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